Call for (self-)nominations for the EADP awards
The call for the EADP awards is now open - see the pdf-files below for more information on the procedure.
William Thierry Preyer Award:
A (group of) European psychologist(s) recognized internationally for an original and substantial contribution to a better understanding of human development and its contexts.
Nominations can be made by every EADP member.
George Butterworth Young Scientist Award:
A young scholar who has made valuable contributions to the field of Developmental Psychology at an early stage of their career.
EADP members as well as non-members may submit nominations. Self-nominations are also permitted.
Deadline: February 28th, 2025
Call for submissions for the European Conference on Developmental Psychology
Abstract submission is now open for the European Conference on Developmental Psychology taking place August 25th to 29th, 2025 in Villnius, Lithuania!
Submission types include:
Submission deadline is January 31st, 2025. You can submit your abstract or find more information on our conference website:
We look forward to seeing you in Vilnius this summer!
Collaboration Grant Call Second Round
EADP announces the second round of the "collaboration grant". The goal of this funding that is given to a group of European developmental psychologists is to strengthen developmental psychology research activities. The call is open for EADP members of all career stages. Deadline for submission is October 15, 2023. More information can be found here:
EADP ERU Board Social Event during ECDP2023 in Turku
The ERU invites all early career scholars to join this event on Wednesday, August 30 at 19.30.
Meeting point is Logomo. Please sign up here, if you want to join: EADP Early Researchers Union at ECDP 2023, Turku, Social Event RSVP (
2023 George Butterworth Young Scientist Award
The award committee has selected Savaş Karataş’ thesis, entitled “Acculturation Processes and Intergroup Relations of Adolescents in Multicultural Societies: The Role of Family, Peer, and School Contexts” as the winner. Savaş, who is from the University of Bologna and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg will present his work after the award ceremony at the ECDP 2023 on Wednesday, August 30 at 17:45.
2023 William Thierry Preyer Award
The selection committee decided that the William Thierry Preyer Award for Excellence in Research on Human Development will be awarded to Prof. Marlis Buchmann (University of Zürich, Switzerland). Prof. Buchmann will give the opening keynote at the ECDP 2023 on Monday, August 28 at 18.30.
The ECDP 2023 programme is available now!
Please download the App to get the most updated infos!
Happy to see you in Turku very soon!
The EADP-ERU open science writing week took place between April 3 and April 7 in Crete, Greece.
Six writing groups started their work on a paper during this writing week. The newly formed writing teams continue to work together remotely until their papers have been
The week was a very productive and nice event. More details can be found in the report below.
EADP Travel Fellowships to attend the European Conference on Developmental Psychology in Turku, Finland
The selection committee consisting of Prof. Marcel van Aken, Prof. Aysun Dogan
and the Early Researchers’ Union event and secretary support Ana Catarina Canário selected 20 early career scholars for the travel
fellowships. The selection was competitve, because we got a large number of excellent applications. The travel awards, in the amount of 250 €, will be reimbursed after the conference.
2023 EADP- EARA-SRA Summer School
The 2023 EADP- EARA-SRA Summer School will be held in Turku, Finland from August 24th to August 27th just before the ECDP conference with arrival on August 23rd. The site for the school will be
in Ruissalo, a stunning archipelago island and national park just in front of Turku. 24 PhD students have been selected for participation.
Elections of the General Council 2023-25
The election for the incoming board of the EADP 2023-25 has been completed.
President-elect: Peter F. Titzmann
Secretary: Simona S. Caravita
Members at large: Jessie Hillekens, Beata Krzywosz-Rynkiewicz, and Maja K. Schachner
Welcome on board!
ECDP 2025 in Vilnius
The EADP bid committee unanimously decided to commission the team from Vilnius to organize the ECDP2025 with Vilmantė Pakalniškienė as the conference chair. After being in Vilnius in 2009, EADP
looks forward to return to the beautiful city of Vilnius in 2025.
The Vilnius reception will take place August, 30 between 18.30 and 19.30 during the ECDP 2023 .
Please join this event!
Our latest newsletter is now online!
You will find the following contents: