
Amendments proposed in the General Council meeting that took place in Vienna, February, 25-26, 2010.


Article 1: Membership and Dues


1.1.       The membership of the Association shall consist of members, student members and honorary members. The dues for members and student members shall be determined by the General Council and approved by the General Assembly. Each member shall receive such publications as the General Council may designate.

1.2.       Upon failure to play annual dues, the privilege of membership of the Association shall be suspended in the following order: the receipt of publications on January 1, other privileges of membership on June 1, and termination of membership on December 31 of the year after last being in good standing.

1.3.       An application for membership has the duration of two years starting from the date when the membership is accepted (e.g., a membership accepted on 1st of October 2021 lasts until 30th of September 2023). Publications to which the person is entitled shall be sent to the member starting from the first published number that is subsequent the membership acceptance date.

1.4.       Dues of members may be reduced at the discretion of the General Council.

1.5.       The level of dues will be sent in EUROS (€). The General Council will define the method of payment.


Article 2: Elections and Appointments


2.1.      The President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and elected members-at-large of the General Council shall be elected electronically of those qualified to vote. New members shall take on the responsibilities at the end of the biennial meeting of the Association in the year in which they are elected, except in the case of the Treasurer who will take office from the beginning of the succeeding financial year.

2.2.       The President-Elect shall serve for two years and shall then automatically become President for a further two years. The Past President shall serve for two years immediately following the conclusion of term as President. The two-year appointment for the Secretary and Treasurer as well as for the other Council members can be automatically extended at most for another two terms of two years each unless there are arguments not to do so according to the General Council.

2.3.       The Secretary of the Association prepares the election by inviting the membership to nominate candidates. All members of the Association are eligible to nominate candidates for vacancies on the General Council. Nominations for vacancies on the General Council will be sought at least nine months prior to the General Assembly. The Council members decide on a final list the slate of candidates. In doing so they will be guided by the suggestions of the electorate and the need to maintain a European regional and disciplinary balance of the membership of the Association. The ballot will be conducted by the Secretary and will take place in good time for the results to be conveyed to the conferences of the association. Ballots other than for elections may be conducted by the Secretary in a manner determined by the Council.


Article 3: Responsibilities of Officers


3.1.       The President of the Association shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall chair the General Council. The General Council shall be authorized to fill any vacancies that may accur on committees for the remainder of unexpired terms and shall perform such other duties as are incidental to the office or as may be properly required by vote of the membership of the General Council or the Association at any duly constituted meeting.

3.2.      The President-Elect shall chair meetings of the General Council and the Association in the absence of the President. In their absence, the meeting shall appoint a Chair from among its members.

3.3.        The Secretary shall be the Recording Officer of the Association. The Secretary shall serve ex officio as a full member of the Publications Committee. The Secretary shall record and report the transactions of the General Council and the Association and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the General Council and the Association.

3.4.       The General Council shall meet at least every year. Additional meetings of the General Council may be called by the President or by the Secretary on demand of a majority of the members of the General Council.


Article 4: Publications


4.1.      All publications of the Society shall be under the general supervision of the General Council of the Association.

4.2.      The General Council will appoint the Editors of all publications of the Association.


Article 5: Committees


5.1.       The General Council shall be responsible for the composition of the various Nomination Committees, Programme Committees, and for the Biennial Conference. It may create such temporary committees as it deems necessary.

5.2.       The Council will determine the venue for the Biennial Conference and the Contract defining duties and responsibilities of the partners: the President of the Association and the Organizer of the Conference.


Article 6: Amendments


6.1.       The By-Laws may be amended by a majority affirmative vote of those voting in a referendum submitted by email to the voting members of the Association.

6.2.        Amendments may be proposed by majority vote of the General Council or by petition of at least ten per cent of the electorate of the Association.

6.3.       All proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be transmitted to the electorate at least thirty days prior to the vote on the amendment.

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