The European Association of Developmental Psychology aims to
- foster the study of developmental science throughout Europe
- support and train young European researchers
- promote the exchange of related information between members of EADP and national and international organizations
- promote excellence.
Towards the fulfillment of its goals, EADP organizes the biennial European Conference on Developmental Psychology, publishes the European
Journal of Developmental Psychology, and has instituted two awards: the William Thierry Preyer Award for Excellence in
Research on Human Development and the George Butterworth Young Scientist Award. The EADP Collaboration Grant strengthens developmental psychology research activities by promoting collaboration among researchers in Europe.
To promote the networking, collaboration and knowledge exchange of young scholars, EADP has established the Early
Researchers Union (ERU). Our active EADP-ERU organizes capacity building and networking events targeting undergraduate students, graduate/PhD students, postdocs, junior faculty members and/or
other researchers within 7 years of obtaining the PhD. These activities include writing weeks as well as preconference
workshops and social events during our conferences.
The EADP also organizes summer schools, mostly addressing young scholars.
EADP is an associate member of EFPA.