Please mind these important deadlines! For more info see our newsletter#6.
We congratulate the winners of the EADP Collaboration Grant.
Gamze Er Vargün, Michaela Gummerun, Lysanne te Brinke: Interpersonal emotion regulation and prosocial behavior in adolescents: A cross-cultural study
Maja Schachner, Adriana Umaña-Taylor Ughetta Moscardino, Linda Juang, Ann Frisén, Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, Brit Oppedal. The Identity Project as a Way to Promote Youth Development and Positive School Communities: Integrating Findings across Europe and the US
Monika Abels, Paula Döge, Gabriella Óturai, & Anett Sundqvist. Children’s emotion understanding in different cultural and social contexts
Winter School in Evidence Based Interventions (EBI). Social and Emotional Comptence in Infancy
and Childhood: Developing Inclusion
The Developmental and Educational Psychology Section of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP) is pleased to announce the opening of 4th International Winter Training School for 30 Ph.D. students and researchers and 15 practitioners, to be held in Rome, November 14-16, 2019. Candidates have to submit the application form in English within October the 1st, 2019. <read more>
The International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) will hold its next Conference June 21 -25, 2020 on the island of Rhodes in Greece.
The Conference website is https://www.issbd2020.org/
Deadline for Abstract Submission is November 2019
The School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, Örebro University, is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in psychology for a fixed-term position.
Deadline: September 13th 2019
More information can be found here
Researchers at the University College London, U.K., kindly request your participation in a 10-minute online questionnaire focusing on research practices in psychological research. The survey has a focus on factors that influence research practices. Your honest and realistic answers on research practices in this anonymous survey will greatly help to identify trends in psychology research.
To participate, please visit: https://uclpsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_832vmXYegtyY6RT
The 1st International Conference on Parental Burnout (ICPB) is a multidisciplinary, international conference bringing together researchers who share an interest in parental burnout. The ICPB conference provides a unique opportunity to learn about parental burnout from an interdisciplinary perspective, capitalizing on the integration of various disciplinary fields and subfields (e.g., clinical psychology, organizational psychology, history, management, developmental psychology, affective sciences, health psychology, anthropology, psychiatry, public health). In this way, ICPB aims at going exceedingly active in honoring all the academics and professionals dedicated to parental burnout research, prevention, and treatment.
More information can be found here.
In 2019, EADP, EARA and SRA will again jointly organize a Summer School focusing on research on adolescence. It will be held in Greece from August 26 to 29 (just before the ECDP2019 conference), with arrival on August 25.We invite doctoral students in any part of the world to apply. A total of 24 students (8 per association) will be selected on the basis of their academic records, research experience, letters of recommendation, and overall evidence of scientific aptitude and competence.
More information about the summer school and the application procedure can be found here.
The Jacobs Foundation is seeking nominations for the 2019 Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize. The prize awards outstanding scientific contributions of individuals from all scholarly disciplines aiming at improving the development and living conditions of children and youth. This includes, but is not limited to, educational sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, family studies, media studies, political sciences, linguistics, neurosciences, computer sciences, and medical sciences. The prize is endowed with 1 Mio. Swiss Francs, of which 900'000 Swiss Francs are for use in a research project and 100'000 Swiss Francs are for related costs, such as travel, networking, and dissemination.
More information can be found here.
The EADP will provide 20 fellowships (travel grants of €250 each) for early career scholars to attend the 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology in Athens.
More information on eligibility criteria and the application process can be found here.
We are pleased to announce the CALL FOR APPLICATION for the EADP-Winter School on
Translating Research Into Practice and Policy: the contribution
of longitudinal and
intervention research to promote child and adolescent
Florence (Italy) January 31st – February 2nd, 2019
The Winter School is devoted to early career researchers with priority of European young scholars.
Deadline for appplication is November 30th 2018.
Psychology of Adolescence - Full-time tenure-track/tenured Academic position open at the UCLouvain, Belgium
Start: September 1st, 2019
Deadline for applications: November 15, 2018 at 12 am
Job description
to apply
Start the application
We are pleased to announce the CALL FOR APPLICATION for the EADP-ERU Writing Week, which will take place in Erice, Italy, from November 5 through November 9, 2018. The Writing Week is designed to improve early career researchers’ academic writing skills by offering the opportunity of writing together joint papers in a writing retreat.
Deadline: 20.09.2018 NOW: 25.09.2018
Download the CALL FOR APPLICATION here
Please feel free to spread the word. We hope for your active participation and contribution and are looking forward to meeting you in Erice in November 2018.
The workshop is organized by the Developmental Psychology Lab and the Psychometrics Lab of the Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, in collaboration with the Infant Communication Lab of the Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, and the Learning Research and Development Center of the University of Pittsburgh.
Location: Department of Psychology, University of Bologna
October 10 – 11, 2018
Deadline for abstract submission September 22nd 2018
More information can be found here
A post-doc position (100 %, 3 years) is vacant at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen Campus, Institute of Psychology, Intercultural Psychology unit of Philipp Jugert. Researchers with a
background in social-developmental psychology and a focus on intergroup relations, ethnic diversity, and acculturation are encouraged to apply.
Deadline: July 22nd.
More information can be found here.
The School of Education, Tel Aviv University (Israel) in collaboration with the European Association for Developmental Psychology (EADP) are pleased to invite you to attend the coming International Conference on "Developmental Psychology and Prevention" to be held in the "truly diverse 21st-century Mediterranean hub" - Tel Aviv-Jaffa
More Information can be found here.
The 16th European Congress of Psychology will be held from July 2nd to July 5th 2019 in Moscow, Russia.
For information about the conference, submission guidelines, and registration procedures, please visit:
In 2018, EADP, EARA and SRA will again jointly organize a Summer School focusing on research on adolescence. The training includes exposure to innovative and creative research, as well as workshops focusing on professional skills.
More information and application processes is described here.
Join the 16th Biennial Conference of EARA. It is taling place in Ghent (Belgium) from september 12th - 15th 2018.
More information can be found on www.eara2018.eu
The Jacobs Foundation is pleased to announce the 2018 call for applications for its Research Fellowship Program. The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is an internationally open, competitive fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers focusing on learning and development of children and youth.
For further information and to submit an online application, please visit: Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship
The largest international association of psychiatrists in Europe, the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), will host its 26th conference from 3-6 March 2018 at
the prestigious Nice Acropolis Convention Centre. The theme of the Congress will be "Mental Health - Integrate, Innovate, Individualise". More information about the conference can be found
A post-doc position (30 hours/week, 4 years) is vacant at the Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education, Economy. The position is assigned to the area of “Bildung-Psychology and Evaluation” (Chair Prof. Christiane Spiel). The working focus of this area is linked to the faculty’s research topic “Promotion of lifelong learning in educational institutions”.
Deadline: November 29th.
More information can be found here.
Umeå University (Sweden) has an open call for a Postdoc (Developmental/Social Psychology). The position is for 2 years with a possibility of extension for another year. Developmental/social psychologists with experience in longitudinal analyses are strongly encouraged to apply.
Deadline: November, 30th
More information can be found here.
Taylor & Francis has opened access to two recent special issues of Research in Human Development. For a limited time, these articles can be downloaded.
Edited by Manfred Diehl and Hans-Werner Wahl
Edited by Marlis Buchmann, Katariina Salmela-Aro, Barbara Schneider, and Ingrid Schoon
Queen Mary University is one of the UK's leading research-intensive institutions. The Department of Biological and Experimental Psychology was founded in 2008 and emphasises a modern interdisciplinary approach, at the interface between behavioural (perception, cognition, communication and social life) and biological aspects of psychology (genomics, neuroscience, ethology and evolution) with an emerging focus on biological and psychological roots of resilience and well-being. To complement our staff, we are now seeking to appoint an ambitious research-driven psychologist (at the Lecturer level) with a strong track record of research outputs and potential for funding in the area of Well-Being and/or Positive Psychology.
The current newsletter of our association is availbale. It informs about our association and the current version entails a letter from the EADP President, Information on the New Membership Management system of the EADP, as well as reports and news about the ECDP 2017 Conference in Utrecht, the Website, and the European Journal of Developmental Psychology. In addition, the Early Researcher's Union (ERU) reports about their activities.
The newsletter can be found here
The University of Potsdam, College of Human Sciences, Inclusive Education Group, is inviting applications to fill the following position: Researcher (Pre-Doc; 50%, TVL 13). The international team focuses on issues of culture and migration for youth development and education. The successful candidate will be expected to work on a DFG-funded longitudinal research project entitled “Short-term and long-term effects of a culture-specific self-affirmation intervention to promote school adjustment of adolescents of migrant and refugee backgrounds” More information can be found here.
The deadline for abstract submissions to the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, is
extended until February 27.
For more information, visit the conference website.
The Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood (SSEA) invites proposal submissions for the 8th Biennial Conference (November 2-4, 2017 Washington DC, USA). The goal of the conference is to bring together a multidisciplinary and internationally diverse network of scholars to advance the study of emerging adulthood (age range 18-29). All conference sessions will be held at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, Washington DC.
More information can be found here.
The International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD) in collaboration with the European Association of Developmental Psychology (EADP) invite applications from young scholars to participate in the 2017 ISSBD workshop on Positive Youth Development in Times of Social Change. The event will take place between the 2nd and the 6th of July on the island of Syros in Greece.
Catch-EyoU has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement (G.A NO 649538). We are glad to announce the first CATCH-EyoU Conference. If you want to engage in a lively debate on the role of young people in a renewed project of Europe, the next CATCH-EyoU Conference is the right place to be. Take the opportunity to meet the Consortium, to share research results and ideas on youth, active citizenship and Europe. Join us in Athens, 2- 4 March 2017.
More information can be found here.
The Early Research Union of the European Association for Developmental Psychology (EADP), Humboldt University, and Tilburg University are inviting young scholars for a workshop on some of the most exciting novel data-analytical techniques, such as continuous time modelling, random intercept cross-lagged panel models, and multilevel structural equation modeling. The teachers will be Daniel Oberski, Manuel Voelkle and team, and Loes Keijsers. It will be hosted in the beautiful city of Berlin from Oct, 10 to Oct, 14, 2016.
More information can be found here.
Second International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) is held 23-25 March 2017 in Vienna, Austria. ICPS is designed to stimulate integrative scientific advances in psychological science and related disciplines. Increasingly, challenges in psychological science can be met only by boundary-spanning investigations that utilize diverse methods and multiple levels of analysis. Submissions will open in June.
Aiming to attract an international audience of adolescence health experts, the 20th European Congress of IAAH will be held in the newest country in Europe - Republic of Kosovo. We invite all health professionals, researchers, professors and devoted students to submit their abstracts for the 20th IAAH Congress.
More information can be found here.
In 2016 the German Psychological Society (DGPs) is celebrating its 50th Anniversary Congress. We expect 2,200 paper submission from all areas of psychological science. For the first time, the flagship congress of psychology in the German‐speaking countries will have both German and English as congress languages.
For submissions and further information,
visit the conference website or
download the full call for submissions
On this day, November 20, the Universal Children´s Day, EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations) urges all psychologists to pay due attention to the psychological and human
rights issues that arise from the situation of unaccompanied refugee and asylum-seeking children.
More information on the Universal Children's Day can be found here.
The Italian association of developmental psychology is organizing the third training school on Evidence based intervention in developmental psychology. This year the focus is: “EVIDENCE BASED
It will be held in Pavia (close to Milan)on February, 18-20, 2016.
More information can be found here.
The European Association for Developmental Psychology (EADP) together with the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) and the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) formulated a mission statement for improving the situation of immigrant youth.
Read the full mission statement
Europe is facing an influx of refugees that is unprecedented in recent times. These refugees are escaping war, violence, terrorism, political persecution and poverty. The community of
psychologists in Europe, represented by the European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA) follows on the appeal of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, when
he states “Europe cannot go on responding to this crisis with a piecemeal or incremental approach. No country can do it alone, and no country can refuse to do its part (…) The only way to solve
this problem is for the Union and all member states to implement a common strategy, based on responsibility, solidarity and trust.”
For more information, click here.
Thursday 8th October 9.30am – 4.00pm, University of Helsinki, Finland
Venue: Room K226, Minerva Square, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Siltavuorenpenger 5A, University of Helsinki, Finland. This seminar is free to attend, to book a place please e-mail: nire@education.ox.ac.uk. Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
The seminar will be broadcasted as a webinar.
Collective viewings in the following locations:
Streaming takes place through http://video.helsinki.fi/.
The info-page about the webinar is http://video.helsinki.fi/Arkisto/tallenne.php?ID=20467
and the actual webinar will be visible during the day:
November 14th - 15th 2015
This conference brings together diverse groups of mental health workers, social workers and academics to evaluate mental health practices in a war zone and question the traditional concept of
trauma. It will examine the effectiveness of Western-derived interventions for ongoing trauma and discuss the viability of a PTSD diagnosis (including DSM & ICD) for civil conflict
For further information about this event: http://www.kingston.ac.uk/rethinkingtrauma
We call for abstract submissions (PDF)
that can be submitted to the conference via email: rethinkingtrauma@gmail.com
Network on Intrapersonal Research in Education (NIRE) proudly presents:
Preliminary program for the third seminar (Helsinki Thurs
8th October 10-4) Statistical
methods for intrapersonal data
SRCD funded a proposal prepared by Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, on behalf of SRCD’S International Affairs Committee and Radosveta Dimitrova, on behalf of SRCD’s Ethnic and Racial Diversity Committee, to organize an experts’ meeting on the topic of immigrant youth adaptation and well-being. The main goal of the meeting is to generate new insight on explanatory mechanisms on what is presently known about positive youth development (PYD) and positive adaptation of immigrant youth from a global perspective. The organization of this meeting has provided a venue for collaboration between SRCD with the European Association of Developmental Psychology (EADP) and the European Association of Research in Adolescence (EARA). Fifteen experts from the USA and Europe will take part in the meeting. EADP and EARA will each cover the expenses of one of the European participants. The meeting will take place September, 16-20, 2015 on the island of Hydra in Greece.
The International Psychology Bulletin (IPB) is the official periodical of the Division 52-International Psychology, American Psychological Association. IPB is published in 4 issues every year
including news and reports, a peer-reviewed research article, a student column, an early career professional column, teaching international psychology, travels in the history of psychology,
heritage mentoring project, current issues around the globe, and book reviews. Recent and past issues can be found here: http://div52.org/publications/newsletter/
IPB invites submissions from psychologists all around the world! For submissions or questions, contact Vaishali Raval (email: ravalvv@miamioh.edu), Radosveta Dimitrova (email: radosveta.dimitrova@psychology.su.se) or Genomary Krigbaum (email: gkrigbaum@marian.edu).
More information can be found here.