We the participants at the Joint Efforts Against Victimization Conference in Kandersteg in June 8th to 10th, 2007 pledge our long term commitment and determination to promote healthy relationships and prevent bullying and victimization in children and youth.
Actions to be taken
Kandersteg, Switzerland, June 10, 2007
Almeida, Ana Maria | University of Minho, Portugal | anatalmeida@gmail.com |
Alsaker, Françoise D. | University of Berne, Switzerland | francoise.alsaker@psy.unibe.ch |
Boivin, Michel | University of Laval, Canada | michel.boivin@psy.ulaval.ca |
Brendgen, Mara | University of Québec, Canada | brendgen.mara@uquam.ca |
Clémence, Alain | University of Lausanne, Switzerland | alain.clemence@unil.ch |
Craig, Wendy | Queen’s University, Canada | craigw@post.queensu.ca |
Cross, Donna | Edith Cowan University, Australia | d.cross@ecu.edu.au |
Flammer, August | University of Berne, Switzerland | august.flammer@psy.unibe.ch |
Gutzwiller, Evelyne | University of Lucerne, Switzerland | eveline.gutzwiller@phz.ch |
Hymel, Shelley | University of British Columbia, Canada | shelley.hymel@ubc.ca |
Kwak, Keumjoo | Seoul National University, South Korea | kjkwak@snu.ac.kr |
Ladd, Gary | Arizona State University, USA | gary.ladd@asu.edu |
Lauper, Dorothee | University of Berne, Switzerland | dorothee.lauper@psy.unibe.ch |
Menesini, Ersilia | University of Florence, Italy | menesini@psico.unifi.it |
Nägele, Christof | Federal Institute of Vocational Training, Switzerland | christof.naegele@ehb-schweiz.ch |
Ortega Ruiz, Rosario | University of Cordoba, Spain | ed1orrur@uco.es |
Pepler, Debra | York University, Canada | pepler@yorku.ca |
Perren, Sonja | University of Zurich, Switzerland | perren@jacobscenter.unizh.ch |
Roland, Erling | University of Stavanger, Norway | erling.roland@uis.no |
Salmivalli, Christina | University of Turku, Finland | tiina.salmivalli@utu.fi |
Smith, Peter | University of London, UK | pss01pks@gold.ac.uk |
Spiel, Christiane | University of Vienna, Austria | christiane.spiel@univie.ac.at |
Strohmeier, Dagmar | University of Vienna, Austria | dagmar.strohmeier@univie.ac.at |
Vaillancourt, Tracy | McMaster University, Canada | vaillat@mcmaster.ca |
Valkanover, Stefan | University of Berne, Switzerland | Stefan.valkanover@ispw.unibe.ch |
Veenstra, René | University of Groningen, Netherlands | d.r.veenstra@rug.nl |
We kindly ask our ESDP members and any other persons who feel committed to this important issue to translate this declaration into their national languages and send the translated version to
Françoise D. Alsaker
University of Berne, Switzerland